Help create an autism-friendly community right here in McLean County! Here’s how:

Complete a Survey

Complete a Survey

Tell us about a business or organization that welcomes people with autism — as customers, clients, employees or neighbors! It takes only 5 minutes to tell us about it.

See what others are doing

See what others are doing

See how other businesses and organizations are making McLean County autism-friendly. Hear what people with autism, and their families and friends have to say.

Learn what else you can do

Learn what else you can do

Visit our resources to learn more about autism and how to create a welcoming environment. Decide how your business or organization can take the next step, through autism awareness; customer service; training; employment, civic, and leisure opportunities

Our six aspirations for being an autism friendly community

Welcome me

Welcome me

Expand awareness, informed service, social supports and civic engagement opportunities for people with autism

Learn with me

Learn with me

Create educational opportunities for people with autism

A Place for me

A Place for me

Ensure appropriate housing and transportation for people with autism

Wellness for me

Wellness for me

Provide healthcare and wellness opportunities for people with autism

Work with me

Work with me

Employ people with autism in meaningful jobs and careers

Recreation for me

Recreation for me

Create play and leisure opportunities for people with autism